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Carol and Gail and their Costumes, Volume 2


The 5th Annual Homer Ski for Women, February 3, 2008.
This year Melon and Nina were primary costume designers and enablers (snowflakes and nifty but cheap painter suits), with Carol and Gail choosing the theme. Should we be... flakes... or drifts... no. A SNOW BANK raising money for Haven House!
We won best non-attached group costume, and discovered that Tyvek painter suits are great for skiing in below-zero cold - they are lightweight and windproof.

Click the photo to see the full effect of our snowbankiness.


Photo by Emmet Meyer

Snowflakes in our Snowbank:

Poppy Benson
Nina Daley
Laurie Daniel
Janet Fink
Nell Gustafson
Gail Heineman
Carol Kerkvliet
Mary King
Therese Lewandowski
Kate Meyer
Carla Milburn
Ann Oberlitner
Melon Purcell
Bette Seaman
Nicky Szarzi
Jeanne Walker
Elizabeth Wasserman

Honorary snowflakes (wanted to be there but couldn’t):
Sue Mauger
Mary McBurney

Design party at Melon's house.  Click any picture to see it fullsize.


At Nina and Phil's boat barn, we assembled our suits, and manufactured flakey oversize $20 bills from the "United Flakes of Alaska".  But will there be enough to bribe the judges?




We folded big flakes for on top of our heads, and other sizes and shapes for adorning our suits.  Nina made a spray booth for glue and glitter, but we still managed to scatter glitter all over her barn anyway.   



A clear cold blue-sky day.  We wore bills and flakes all over, front and rear.




The below-zero temperatures had frozen some of the beer for the tailgate party.  While trying to thaw it, Carol accidentaly poured some down her front.  It froze on her suit before it hit the ground.
We were as cold as a snowbank on the outside, but cozy warm and happy in our suits after a wonderful day of silly skiing.

